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Regular Price KWD 649.000 Special Price KWD 299.000 On Discounted Price
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Just as majestic as the home from which its name hails, the Montpelier swing set will go down in history for its endless hours of fun. As one of our newly improved wooden swing sets for backyards, this one has all the features of a beautiful mansion: the upper discovery kids fort with its peaked roof, full door and bay windows provides plenty of play space and plenty of style; the front sun porch doubles as an extended deck and launch pad for the 8? turbo slide; the monkey bars and ladder present fun access points into the playhouse. Swing into luxury on the belt swings and two-person glider, while the others retreat to the snack stand with built-in bench or sandbox area for some relaxing recreation on their historic sprawling estate!
Easy Assembly ? Supported by the step-by-step interactive BILT? app Raised clubhouse with full door and balcony 2 belt swings and one 2-person glider A flat step entry ladder and monkey bars 8 ft. Super speedy slide Snack stand with built-in bench & sandbox Stain colors may vary Measurement: 460.55cm x 478.53cm x 289.56cm
Age 3 years and ago Weight: 336lbs
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